Our Story Begins
1998 - 2013
It all started with a boy who had a passion for computers. Since Cody was a child you could often find him playing on (or taking apart) desktop PCs! He first upgraded his family computer as a child with a Zotac 9500 GT and added 2GB of DDR2 RAM using his paper route money.

A Hobby Turned Side-Hustle
2014 - 2018
Throughout several years of highschool, college, and working multiple jobs Cody continued to build and sell custom computers on Kijiji, Craigslist, and Marketplace. Profits were re-invested to continue the passion and gain valuable experience with PCs!

Alexandria Customs is Born!
2019 - 2020
In 2019 Cody was working at a tech store and as a personal trainer. Both jobs were lost overnight when the COVID-19 lockdowns happened. With a baby on the way and suddenly having a LOT of spare time on his hands, it was time to go all-in with the PC building to make ends meet! During this time Alexandria Customs was officially registered as a home-based business. Unique style and ongoing relationships with customers was how this business would attempt stand out from the rest.

It Just Keeps Growing...
2021-2022 - As he kept on building PCs Cody's house began to look like a computer warehouse...

And Growing...
Literal truckloads of computer parts were dropped off in the driveway and hauled into the house by hand.

...And Growing!
At one point there was over 2000 lbs of cases and monitors sitting in the living room. It got so bad that an extra support post had to be added to the basement to stop the floor from sagging!

Pictured: Logan the cat sleeps upon a pile of PC parts

Pictured: Cody's buddy Cory helps recycle a shed full of scrap monitors

We Got a Store!
June 2023 - Cody took the plunge and sold his family home in order to secure Alexandria Customs' first commercial location!

Preparing for Open...
July 2023 - Converting an old lawyer's office into a sick gaming PC store was no easy task! Thankfully, we had some helping hands.

Pictured: Brandon and Joel help assemble the Showroom desks

Pictured: Guy, Jacob, Matt, Marissa, and Dariene helping with setup

Pictured: Jesse and Kory after painting the front desk

Open for Business!
August 18th 2023
Alexandria Customs officially opens their doors!

Growing Our Team
September - November 2023
Welcomed by our community, business grew at a rate that exceeded our wildest expectations! It quickly became clear that some helping hands would be needed. Having all worked together in the same tech store, Brandon and Aaron were the perfect additions to our team.

To Be Continued...
We continue to grow each day! Customers requested new services from us and we listened. In addition to PCs we have expanded our skillset to fix phones, tablets, laptops, Macs, and electronics of all sorts. Our mission is to continue our evolution, and serve our beloved community. And of course... build a ton of kick-ass custom PCs! 😄✌️